VHS Learning

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ACCEPT extends district learning options. We provide over 350 middle and high school students each year with innovative VHS (Virtual High School) Learning online courses on both core and enhanced learning subjects.
VHS Learning provides districts with a wide range of high quality online courses that offer flexible credit recovery, opportunities for accelerated students, unique electives, career-focused coursework, summer courses, and more.
VHS Learning is also well-suited to the needs of students at ACCEPT High School Academy. ACCEPT teachers customize the courses utilizing blended learning that accommodates the individual learning needs of each student. The VHS modules are rigorous and meet graduation credit and syllabus requirements. Students from Middle School through age 22 participated in these courses. More information is available at vhscollaborative.org.
Some of the courses include:
- American Sign Language III
- Biotechnology
- Business and Personal Law
- Business Math
- Constitutional Law
- Engineering Principles
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Science
- French, German, Latin, Mandarin Chinese Language & Culture, and Spanish
- Language & Culture
- International Business
- Java Programming
- Journalism
- Kindergarten Apprentice Teacher
- Marketing and the Internet
- Meteorology
- Modern Middle East
- Music: Fundamentals of Composition
- Nuclear Science
- Number Theory
- Personal Finance
- Pre-veterinary Medicine
- Science in Space
- Shakespeare in Film
- Sports and Society
- Video Game Design