Professional Development at ACCEPT

ACCEPT believes that what matters most in student achievement is excellent teaching and learning supports. Professional development programs are designed to meet the instructional, management, and leadership challenges that educators face on a daily basis, and our innovative workshops and courses are offered in a variety of formats including online, hybrid, and in-person options. Our website is updated regularly to reflect our full listing of Fall/Winter and Spring offerings.  Our courses and workshops are developed by experts and address the most relevant topics facing educators today. Using a blend of learning media, the courses include opportunities to tailor content to your learning needs and collaborate with colleagues.  We focus on professional development to improve critical areas of practice. We create multiple session programs so that professionals have time to practice and then revise their strategies after discussion with colleagues and experts.


Training Options:

  • Workshops and courses are offered in-person, online, and in hybrid formats to teachers, nurses, paraprofessionals, and special education directors statewide.
  • ACCEPT also provides a Massachusetts Licensure Program for Special Education Administrators, and Professional Learning Communities that bring together district administrators with similar jobs.
  • Customized trainings address each district’s specific needs, and are delivered on-site. Both workshops and job-embedded coaching train educators to apply new skills in their districts.
  • The Institute for Special Education Directors new to their roles provides a year-long experience exploring new research and approaches in special education. Participants will develop and strengthen proactive management and leadership skills to implement a responsive and compliant special education service delivery system to prepare students for a successful transition to postsecondary opportunities. The syllabus includes content on social emotional learning, cultural proficiency, conflict resolutions, and time for discussions and problem-solving.
  • ACCEPT’s Educator Leadership Institute (ELI) is a licensure program preparing teachers and administrators for Principal/Assistant Principal PreK-8 or 5-12. Upon completion of the coursework, ELI endorses the cohort of candidates to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for licensure. Candidates may also choose to receive a Master’s Degree in partnership with Fitchburg State University. Each new cohort begins in Janu