Leadership Team

Donna Flaherty




Dr. Donna Flaherty is the Executive Director at ACCEPT Education Collaborative. Prior to joining ACCEPT Dr. Flaherty worked as Assistant Superintendent of Student Services in North Andover and as the Director of Special Education for Georgetown MA Public Schools and Director of Special Education for the City of Battle Creek, Michigan. Her experience includes work as an Assistant Principal, ELA and Mathematics Teacher in Hudson, New Hampshire as well as a Learning Disabilities Specialist for the City of Manchester in New Hampshire. She received her Doctor of Education: Leadership and Learning from Rivier University as well as a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies Educational Leadership; a Master of Education: Special Education; a Master of Education: Elementary Education also from Rivier University. Dr.Flaherty received her Bachelor of Science: Computer Science degree from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

Senior Leadership

ACCEPT Education Collaborative

Deputy Director for Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Professional Development

p: 508-653-6776 x 226

Erin Paolini

Director of Human Resources

e: [email protected]

p: (508)653-6776 x234


George McCormack

Director of Finance and Operations

e: [email protected]

p: (508) 653-6776 x230

Kimberly Merrick, Ed.D.

Director of Student Services

e: [email protected]

p: (508) 653-6776 x228


Lee Drown

Assistant Director Special of Education

e: [email protected]

p: (508)653-6776 

Nicole Lawrence

Assistant Director of Special Education

e: n[email protected]

p: (508)653-6776 

Katie Lawless
Caroline Mechan
ACCEPT Education Collaborative

Kathryn Lawless

Medicaid Program Coordinator

e: [email protected]

p: (508)653-6776 x251

Jacqueline LeSage

Department Head for Clinician and Related Services

SEL Coordinator

e: [email protected]

p: (508) 653-6776 x222


Caroline Mechan, RN

Nurse Leader

e: [email protected]

p: (508) 653-6776 x206

Laura Borges

Assistant Director of Special Education

e: [email protected]

p: (508) 653-6776 x227